Powerful Secure Messenger for Teamwork

One app for encrypted messaging, multiuser conferencing and managing files
Private and group chats with unlimited number of participants.
Free calls within the network through secure channels.
HD video calls across desktop and mobile devices.
Connecting up to 256 participants in audio and video conference rooms.
Sending any files types and seamlessly sync of files across all devices.
Easy connection with external contacts, international calls at a fair price.
Record voice messages and send it your contacts.
Soon! Direct connections between users, bypassing VIPole servers.

High Data Security and Privacy Protection

Multilevel security system protects your data from unauthorized access

A robust set of tools for enhancing data security

Special features for eliminating the human factor and countering emergencies
Message editing and deleting, auto-delete messages, chat window clearing and complete history wiping.
Disconnecting devices remotely, fake secret phrase, auto lock and auto logout on inactivity.
Hidden and blacklist contacts, individual visibility settings for contacts, configurable contact authorization.
IP-masking, virtual keyboard, voice tone changing.

Collaboration and teamwork tools

Essential features for daily business affairs incorporated in a handy and secure app
Schedule meetings, make plans and set reminders.
Assign tasks to yourself and colleagues, track the progress.
Store and organize passwords, securely share them with contacts.
Write down your ideas, connect them with contacts.
Soon! Foster collaboration by setting goals for the team and monitoring the solved issues.
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