Dec 24, 2015

Update of the User Agreement terms

We have updated the terms of the User Agreement and clarified the details concerning the service fees, voice calls to paid premium numbers and account removal. The general content of the document remains the same, and the update relates to a number of minor changes in VIPole user service system.

What is new in the User Agreement:

  • The document clearly defines the payment issues and the conditions of refund.
  • The conditions for deleting the accounts with paid subscription plan are specified. The changes relate to Professional and Business accounts: after 6 months of non-payment, Professional and Business accounts are permanently deleted. Note, that if you want to continue using your personal account for free, you need to switch to the Free subscription.
  • The conditions for international calls to premium phone numbers. We reserve the right to block the ability of calling to paid premium numbers in order to avoid the incorrect billing of such calls.

Read more about the changes in the User Agreement.

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