Apr 3, 2015

VIPole Desktop update 3.5.15: SMS confirmations for security settings, message quoting, improvements for video calls

A new VIPole version 3.5.15 update for all PC platforms (Windows, Mac OS and Linux) is released today. It brings major improvements, bug fixes and several new features. The most noticeable new feature is SMS confirmation for changing a user’s password, secret phrase and email to strengthen the security of their VIPole accounts.

What’s new in VIPole Desktop 3.5.15?

New Features

  • security: SMS confirmations sent to the user’s cellphone when changing a password, secret phrase or email;
  • instant messaging: quoting of chat messages;
  • group chat: all messages containing a user’s nickname highlight as part of the group chat.
  • group chat: all chat participants can now invite new members to join the chat group.


  • in video calls and videoconferencing;
  • regarding re-sizing the VIPole window;
  • within the password manager;
  • detection of voice call failure;
  • with recent contacts: when you add a new contact or a group chat, the added contact or group chat takes position at the top of the contact list;
  • dialed phone numbers are excluded from the contacts list. To save a phone number you must save it to the phone book.

Bug fixes

  • for errors with the SOCKS5 proxy;
  • regarding the opening of received files with the same name;
  • program crashes that take place while viewing current connections on the administrative panel of the Business account.

New VIPole update 3.5.15 for Windows, Mac OS and Linux, you can download at the Download page. If you are already using VIPole messenger, just check for updates. To update go to Main Menu> Help> and click Check for Updates.

Note that to apply updates you need to turn off your anti-virus protection. After the update you can turn it back on.

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