International calls feature highlights

Cheap international calling rates
VIPole offers cheap calling rates for secure calls to mobile and landline phones from around the world.

You can save the most frequently used phone numbers to the VIPole phonebook and assign a name to each entry.

Volume and voice control
During a call via VIPole you can adjust volume and change the voice heard by your conversation partner in a way that it will be impossible to recognize it.
Calls to landline and mobile phones are provided as additional service at special rates:
- Rates are charged in USD per minute exclusive of VAT and are subject to change without notice.
- To make calls to landline and mobile phones your account balance should be positive.
- Calls are rounded up to next minute.
- Calls to landline and mobile phones are encrypted and protected only between clients and VIPole servers, then they are transferred unencrypted over public telephone network.