Account and Security Settings
Managing the account: your password and encryption keys, the payments and upgrading
VIPole Support > Account and Security Settings > Security settings

VIPole glossary

Login (VIPole ID) – the unique user identifier on VIPole server. Users create their login during registration and it remains unchanged as they use the service.

Password – a word or word combination used together with user login (VIPole ID) to connect to VIPole server and to get access to the profile page on

Secret phrase – a random word or phrase created by the user at the first run of the application that protects his or her encryption keys.

Account – user credentials including login, password and secret phrase.

Profile – the data related to the user, including contacts, history and individual application settings.

Authorization – granting the opportunity to contact you for a VIPole user. Authorized users can see your network status and call you. If a user is unauthorized, by default he or she can’t contact you. If you change the default settings, you can exchange instant messages with unauthorized users.

Private chat – a chat between two users in VIPole. All messages and files that users share in these chats are encrypted end-to-end. In these chats, users can switch to voice and video calls with these contacts.

Group chat – a chat for multiple VIPole users, the number of participants is unlimited. Group chats are managed by their creators and by the moderators they assign.

Chat moderator – chat member assigned by the chat creator who can delete the messages of users and remove users from channels.

Multiple message – a message that is sent simultaneously to multiple contacts via the Main menu – Create multiple message. This message is displayed in chats with these contacts.

Voice/Video conference – a voice or video chat for up to 256 users. Conference calls start in one click within group chats and chat creator and moderators manage them.

Mention – the message is highlighted in chats, and the chat is highlighted in the contact list

File manager – a built-in system within VIPole messenger that allows to view the files you have ever shared by chats and dates and to manage them.

Password manager – an extension in VIPole that allows to store and organize passwords. There is also an option of generating random secure passwords for various services you use. The only thing you need to remember is your secret phrase

VIPole Team – a system of VIPole accounts united for centralized security management under the administrator dashboard. The administrator can create new users, control active sessions, assign security templates and contact list templates to users.

End-to-end encryption – the method of data encryption, which ensures that the message is encrypted on the sender’s device and decrypted only on the device of an authorized receiver. In this case, third parties can’t decipher the contents of conversations. As a secure messaging provider, VIPole has no access to the data that users share and store.

Encryption key - a random string of bits that determines the output of data encrypted with a cryptographic algorithm. VIPole generates unique random keys for every user.

Public key – the key used to encrypt one-time symmetric encryption keys for secure VIPole containers, in which the data that users share is transmitted. All authorized users from the contact list have access to this key. Unique public keys are generated for users when they create profiles.

Private key – the key that is used to decrypt one-time symmetric encryption keys for the data transmitted in secure VIPole containers. The key is also used to decrypt other data, asymmetrically encrypted with user’s public key, including passwords and notes. Unique random private keys are generated when users create their profiles. Only the user has access to this key, because the key is protected with the secret phrase that is known only to the user.

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